Agricultural Development Fund Presents Aquaculture Investment Opportunities at Barcelona Seafood Expo

Riyadh, The Agricultural Development Fund (ADF) was part of the Kingdom’s pavilion at the 2024 Seafood Expo Global in Barcelona, held between April 23 and 25.

The pavilion, organized by the National Livestock and Fisheries Development Program, featured six Saudi companies specializing in fish and seafood production.

ADF highlighted its role in financing aquaculture projects, contributing to food security and sustainable resource management. It supports various fishery activities, including fish hatcheries, shrimp farming, floating cages, aquaponics, and inland fish farming.

The ADF’s participation underscores the promising potential of aquaculture projects, a rapidly growing sector in global food production.

Saudi Arabia boasts extensive coastlines, ideal for fish farming in floating cages, particularly along the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf. Closed inland water systems offer opportunities for freshwater aquaculture as well.

Source: Saudi Press Agency
