Al-Sudani: With Their Sacrifices, The Iraqis Broke The Wave Of Extremism And Terrorism In Its Ugliest Forms

Baghdad: Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani recalled the Speicher crime, committed by the terrorist organization ISIS in 2014, stressing: ‘The Iraqis were able, through their sacrifices, to break the wave of extremism and terrorism in its ugliest and most brutal forms.’

Al-Sudani said in a statement on the tenth anniversary of the Speicher massacre: ‘Ten years ago, under ambiguous circumstances, and with support from the forces of evil and hatred in the world, ISIS terrorist gangs committed their crime and aggression against our people in Mosul, and its residents were terrorized by a barbaric attack fueled by despicable goals and the myth of delusion, and hostility to every bright step achieved by the Iraqi people following the fall of the dictatorship.’

He added: “We remember this stage with a lot of pain for the innocent victims of all sects and spectra of the Iraqi people, who were targeted by the treachery of these dark gangs and the forces behind them, but we are once again proud of the cohesive s
tance in which our people rallied around their armed forces of all kinds, and shed the abundant blood of the martyrs for the sake of cleansing the land, so as Iraq return every inch of it, united, powerful, and complete with sovereignty and decision-making, and the blessed fatwa of the Supreme Authority, Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, had the honorable role in changing the course of events towards achieving victory enhanced by ensuring the sovereignty of Iraq and the unity of its land and people.’

The Prime Minister continued: ‘The victory was, and continues to be, a valuable achievement that confirmed the interconnectedness of our people, and consolidated our historical destiny in fraternal coexistence. We emerged from the experience stronger and more determined to proceed with the reconstruction and development of Iraq, and to raise generations that bear responsibility and look to the promising future with competence and empowerment.’

He stressed: ‘The Iraqis were able, with their sacrifices and with the help of
friends and honorable people, to break the wave of extremism and terrorism in its ugliest and most brutal forms, and to achieve this civilized victory on behalf of the free world, and the remnants of terrorism no longer pose a threat to the existence of the Iraqi state, and today, our people enjoy security and stability as a result of that just confrontation and what our righteous martyrs provided, and may the pace of work continue at its best, with a high determination to bring about an economic and humanitarian renaissance, and a qualitative transition in a free and dignified life worthy of the name of Iraq.’

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

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