EP “concerned” over state of global media freedom

The European Parliament (EP) Tuesday adopted a report expressing deep concern over the state of global media freedom.

Pointing to abuses and attacks perpetrated against journalists in many countries, the report deplores the fact that, according to the non-governmental organisation Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), 67 journalists were killed in 2022.

The report, adopted by 583 votes in favour, seven against and 48 abstentions, condemns all crimes, including killings, physical attacks, torture, intimidation and hate speech, committed against people working in the media around the world, including in the EU.

It stressed the essential role played by journalists in providing reliable and relevant information and scrutinising authorities – exposing human rights violations, corruption, financial and corporate crimes.

It is the duty of public authorities to protect freedom of expression and the safety of journalists, says the EP report.

Moreover, the report also condemns the use of so-called strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs) to silence or intimidate media workers and outlets, including by the authorities of third countries against EU-based journalists and media.

SLAPPs are legal actions brought by corporations or individuals with the intention of harassing, intimidating financially or psychologically opponents via improper use of the legal system and hence undermine freedom of speech and the rule of law.

Source: Kuwait News Agency
