OIC Commemorates World Humanitarian Day

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) yesterday celebrated World Humanitarian Day to honor humanitarian workers for their courage, sacrifices, and injuries suffered while performing their duties. The day, celebrated on August 19, also recognizes those who continue rescue and life-saving operations in difficult circumstances.

The OIC General Secretariat highlighted the urgent humanitarian challenges across the Islamic world and stressed the need for intensified and coordinated efforts to address the various impacts and dimensions of crises.

The General Secretariat reiterated its commitment to enhancing and coordinating joint Islamic humanitarian initiatives based on Islamic principles and in accordance with the OIC’s charter and resolutions. These initiatives aim to address crises, develop effective response mechanisms, and collaborate closely with member states and international and regional entities.

The General Secretariat expressed gratitude to member states, donors, and partners for their ongoi
ng and significant contributions to mitigating the negative impacts of crises on affected populations in member states and host communities for refugees.

Source: Saudi Press Agency