Saudi Arabia Chairs Consultative Meeting Reviewing Arab League Charter, Collective Action

The General Secretariat of the League of Arab States – Department of Legal Affairs held today a consultative meeting of the First Working Group tasked with reviewing the league charter and creating the framework for collective Arab action.

Attended by permanent delegates, the meeting was chaired by Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Arab League, Ambassador Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Al-Matar.

The focus was on each country’s perspective on the outcome of the 16th group meeting held two months ago, whose objective was to prepare for a larger meeting of the main committee responsible for modernizing the league and the collective Arab action.

Today’s meeting was convened to ensure that the decision to finalize the study on modernizing the League of Arab States, reached at the Arab Summit held in Bahrain in May, is being implemented.

Source: Saudi Press Agency