The President of the Republic confirms to his Iranian counterpart that the relations between the two friendly countries are strong and historical

President of the Republic Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid confirmed to his Iranian counterpart Masoud Pezeshkian that the relations between the two friendly countries are strong and historical.

A Presidential statement stated that the President of the Republic received today, Wednesday, at the Baghdad Palace, the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Masoud Pezeshkian, and his accompanying delegation.

At the beginning of the meeting, according to a statement by his media office, the President of the Republic welcomed the Iranian President, reiterating his congratulations on his election as President, and renewed his condolences for the passing of President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Amir Abdollahian, and their companions in the unfortunate incident.

Rashid stressed that the relations between the two friendly countries are strong and historical, explaining that Iran is an important neighboring country for Iraq and has a great regional position in supporting and stabilizing the region, and that Iraq stron
gly supports enhancing joint cooperation to combat terrorism and extremism, consolidate border security, and work to end tensions in the region.

The President of the Republic stressed during his speech the need to activate the provisions of the agreements and memoranda of understanding signed between the two countries, and to strengthen the bonds of friendship in a way that serves the common interests of the two countries.

The President of the Republic pointed out that the phenomenon of climate change is one of the most prominent challenges facing the two countries and the world as a whole, stressing the importance of joint work in this regard, especially the issue of water, calling at the same time to release the waters of the shared border rivers and reach understandings that are satisfactory to all regarding water sharing.

Regarding the financial dues owed by the Iraqi government to the Iranian side, the President of the Republic explained the importance of working to find common understandings and an a
ppropriate formula to pay those dues to the Islamic Republic of Iran and vice versa.

President Rashid condemned the aggression against the Islamic Republic of Iran, which claimed the lives of martyr Ismail Haniyeh and other martyrs, stressing Iraq’s principled and firm position towards the Palestinian cause and the right of the Palestinian people to achieve their aspirations and obtain their full legitimate rights on their land.

The President also condemned the continued brutal aggression of the Zionist entity on the Gaza Strip and the rest of the Palestinian territories, which left thousands of martyrs and wounded, and imposed an unjust siege on food, water, electricity and fuel, stressing Iraq’s support for any regional or international initiative that would remove tension and achieve security and stability in the region.

For his part, President Pezeshkian expressed his thanks and appreciation for the warm reception and generous hospitality, praising the efforts of the President of the Republic in streng
thening the bonds of friendship and supporting relations between the two neighboring countries and peoples.

He stressed the Islamic Republic’s keenness to strengthen relations with Iraq in various fields, and coordination on all issues of common interest, expressing his country’s aspiration to find more opportunities and mechanisms for cooperation, which can be built upon to strengthen ties between the two countries.

Pezeshkian called for the formation of a joint committee between the two neighboring countries to develop a strategic program for joint cooperation in the sectors of health, environment, industry, security and tourism, including the Kurdistan Region.

Extensive talks were held between the two sides, during which President Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid headed the Iraqi side, which included Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Fuad Hussein, Minister of Education Ibrahim Namas, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr. Naeem Al-Aboudi, Minister of Electricity Ziad Al
i Fadel, Minister of Communications Dr. Hiyam Al-Yasiri, Iraqi Ambassador to Tehran Nasir Abdul Mohsen, and a number of other advisors and government officials. The Iranian side was headed by President Masoud Pezeshkian, and the delegation included Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi, Minister of Economic and Financial Affairs and Chairman of the Joint Economic Cooperation Committee between the two countries Abdul Nasser Hemmati, Minister of Roads and Urban Development Farzaneh Sadeq Malwajerd, Governor of the Central Bank Mohammad Reza Farzin, Iranian Ambassador to Baghdad Mohammad Kazem Al-Sadeq, and a number of other diplomats, officials, and specialists.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency