Assault on Melilla Fence, an Attempt to Challenge Morocco’s Immigration and Asylum Policy (Researcher)

The context of the events that took place in June 2022 following the assault led by illegal migrants on the fence of the occupied city of Melilla was linked to attempts to challenge Morocco’s efforts in the areas of immigration, asylum and human rights, said Naoufal Bouamri, lawyer and researcher on the Sahara issue.

The assault led by these illegal migrants took place as part of the “war waged against Morocco, by exploiting the issues of immigration, asylum and human rights”, in order to question the Moroccan approach in human rights aimed at the integration of immigrants and refugees,” Bouamri told MAP.

In contrast with the goals of Morocco’s enemies, he noted, the Kingdom has been praised by the international community and the United Nations for the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI on the migration issue and for the policy led by the country in the fight against illegal immigration.

Morocco is in fact a model to follow in North Africa in this area, “unlike its neighbors who have engaged in inhuman practices against Syrian immigrants, who were expelled and abandoned to an uncertain fate in the desert, said the expert, adding that “had it not been for the urgent Moroccan humanitarian intervention, the worst would have happened”.

Morocco’s leadership in the migration issue is the result of efforts undertaken by the Kingdom to reform the legislative system and harmonize it with international conventions relating to immigration and asylum, he pointed out, noting that Morocco has worked to establish a solid institutional base to deal with the various issues related to this complex issue.

Moreover, the researcher stressed that the attempts led by other parties in the regional environment of the Kingdom to instrumentalize the tragedy of illegal migrants, within the framework of their war against the vital interests of Morocco, also aim to push Morocco to confrontation with Europe in general, and Spain in particular, with the view of undermining the dynamics of relations between the two countries.

Morocco’s responsible commitment in this issue does not stem from the fact that the Kingdom is considered as the policeman of Europe, but proceeds from the mutual commitments between the Kingdom and neighboring countries, the expert underlined.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse
